APIs Documentation

Table of contents

  1. APIs Documentation
    1. NFStreamer
      1. NFStreamer attributes
      2. NFStreamer methods
        1. Flow interation method
        2. Pandas dataframe conversion
        3. CSV file conversion
    2. NFlow
      1. NFlow Core Features
      2. Tunnel Decoding Features (decode_tunnels=True)
      3. NFlow Layer-7 Visibility Features (n_dissections>0)
      4. Post-Mortem Statistical Features (statistical_analysis=True)
      5. Early Statistical Features (splt_analysis>0)
      6. System Visibility Features (system_visibility_mode=1)
    3. NFPlugin
      1. NFPlugin prototype
      2. NFPacket object
      3. NFPlugins Examples
        1. Flow Slicer
        2. SPLT reimplementation
        3. Machine Learning Model: Train and Deploy
          1. Training the model
          2. ML powered streamer on live traffic


from nfstream import NFStreamer
my_streamer = NFStreamer(source="facebook.pcap", # or network interface

NFStreamer attributes

source [default=None] Packet capture source. Pcap file path, List of pcap files path (considered as a single file) or network interface name.
decode_tunnels [default=True] Enable/Disable GTP/CAPWAP/TZSP tunnels decoding.
bpf_filter [default=None] Specify a BPF filter filter for filtering selected traffic.
promiscuous_mode [default=True] Enable/Disable promiscuous capture mode.
snapshot_length [default=1536] Control packet slicing size (truncation) in bytes.
idle_timeout [default=120] Flows that are idle (no packets received) for more than this value in seconds are expired.
active_timeout [default=1800] Flows that are active for more than this value in seconds are expired.
accounting_mode [default=0] Specify the accounting mode that will be used to report bytes related features (0: Link layer, 1: IP layer, 2: Transport layer, 3: Payload).
udps [default=None] Specify user defined NFPlugins used to extend NFStreamer.
n_dissections [default=20] Number of per flow packets to dissect for L7 visibility feature. When set to 0, L7 visibility feature is disabled.
statistical_analysis [default=False] Enable/Disable post-mortem flow statistical analysis.
splt_analysis [default=0] Specify the sequence of first packets length for early statistical analysis. When set to 0, splt_analysis is disabled.
max_nflows [default=0] Specify the number of maximum flows to capture before returning. Unset when equal to 0.
n_meters [default=0] Specify the number of parallel metering processes. When set to 0, NFStreamer will automatically scale metering according to available physical cores on the running host.
performance_report [default=0] Performance report interval in seconds. Disabled when set to 0. Ignored for offline capture.
system_visibility_mode [default=0] Enable system process mapping by probing the host machine.
system_visibility_poll_ms [default=100] Set the polling interval in milliseconds for system process mapping feature (0 is the maximum achievable rate).

NFStreamer methods

Flow interation method

for flow in my_streamer:
   print(flow) # or whatever

Pandas dataframe conversion

my_dataframe = my_streamer.to_pandas(columns_to_anonymize=[])
columns_to_anonymize [default=[]] List of columns names to anonymize. Anonymization is based on a random secret key generation at each start of NFStreamer. The generated key is used to anonymize configured values using blake2b algorithm.

CSV file conversion

total_flows_count = my_streamer.to_csv(path=None, columns_to_anonymize=[], flows_per_file=0, rotate_files=0)
path [default=None] Specify output path of csv resulting file. When Set to None, NFStream uses source as path and add a ‘.csv’ extension to it.
flows_per_file [default=0] Specify maximum flows per generated file. Each generated file name will be appended by the chunk index. This limit is disabled when set to 0.
columns_to_anonymize [default=[]] List of columns names to anonymize. Anonymization is based on a random secret key generation at each start of NFStreamer. The generated key is used to anonymize configured values using blake2b algorithm.
rotate_files [default=0] Number of rotating files to limit disk storage usage. Example: NFstream started with flows per file 1000 and rotate_files 5 will force NFStreamer to overwrite file 0 when it reached 5000 flows.


NFlow is the flow representation within NFStream. It contains all computed flow features according to NFStreamer configuration. In the following we detail each implemented feature.

NFlow Core Features

id int Flow identifier
expiration_id int Identifier of flow expiration trigger. Can be 0 for idle_timeout, 1 for active_timeout or -1 for custom expiration.
src_ip str Source IP address string representation.
src_mac str Source MAC address string representation.
src_oui str Source Organizationally Unique Identifier string representation.
src_port int Transport layer source port.
dst_ip str Destination IP address string representation.
dst_mac str Destination MAC address string representation.
dst_oui str Destination Organizationally Unique Identifier string representation.
dst_port int Transport layer destination port.
protocol int Transport layer protocol.
ip_version int IP version.
vlan_id int Virtual LAN identifier.
bidirectional_first_seen_ms int Timestamp in milliseconds on first flow bidirectional packet.
bidirectional_last_seen_ms int Timestamp in milliseconds on last flow bidirectional packet.
bidirectional_duration_ms int Flow bidirectional duration in milliseconds.
bidirectional_packets int Flow bidirectional packets accumulator.
bidirectional_bytes int Flow bidirectional bytes accumulator (depends on accounting_mode).
src2dst_first_seen_ms int Timestamp in milliseconds on first flow src2dst packet.
src2dst_last_seen_ms int Timestamp in milliseconds on last flow src2dst packet.
src2dst_duration_ms int Flow src2dst duration in milliseconds.
src2dst_packets int Flow src2dst packets accumulator.
src2dst_bytes int Flow src2dst bytes accumulator (depends on accounting_mode).
dst2src_first_seen_ms int Timestamp in milliseconds on first flow dst2src packet.
dst2src_last_seen_ms int Timestamp in milliseconds on last flow dst2src packet.
dst2src_duration_ms int Flow dst2src duration in milliseconds.
dst2src_packets int Flow dst2src packets accumulator.
dst2src_bytes int Flow dst2src bytes accumulator (depends on accounting_mode).

Tunnel Decoding Features (decode_tunnels=True)

tunnel_id int Tunnel identifier (O: No Tunnel, 1: GTP, 2: CAPWAP, 3: TZSP).

NFlow Layer-7 Visibility Features (n_dissections>0)

application_name str nDPI detected application name.
application_category_name str nDPI detected application category name.
application_is_guessed int Indicates if detection result is based on pure dissection or on a guess heuristics.
application_confidence int Indicates the underlying detection method (O: Unknown classification, 1: Classification obtained looking only at the L4 ports, 3: Classification results based on partial/incomplete DPI information, 4: Classification results based on some LRU cache with partial/incomplete DPI information, 5: Classification results based on some LRU cache (i.e. correlation among sessions), 6: Deep packet inspection).
requested_server_name str Requested server name (SSL/TLS, DNS, HTTP).
client_fingerprint str Client fingerprint (DHCP fingerprint for DHCP, JA3 for SSL/TLS and HASSH for SSH).
server_fingerprint str Server fingerprint (JA3 for SSL/TLS and HASSH for SSH).
user_agent str Extracted user agent for HTTP or User Agent Identifier for QUIC.
content_type str Extracted HTTP content type.

Post-Mortem Statistical Features (statistical_analysis=True)

bidirectional_min_ps int Flow bidirectional minimum packet size (depends on accounting_mode).
bidirectional_mean_ps float Flow bidirectional mean packet size (depends on accounting_mode).
bidirectional_stddev_ps float Flow bidirectional packet size sample standard deviation (depends on accounting_mode).
bidirectional_max_ps int Flow bidirectional maximum packet size (depends on accounting_mode).
src2dst_min_ps int Flow src2dst minimum packet size (depends on accounting_mode).
src2dst_mean_ps float Flow src2dst mean packet size (depends on accounting_mode).
src2dst_stddev_ps float Flow src2dst packet size sample standard deviation (depends on accounting_mode).
src2dst_max_ps int Flow src2dst maximum packet size (depends on accounting_mode).
dst2src_min_ps int Flow dst2src minimum packet size (depends on accounting_mode).
dst2src_mean_ps float Flow dst2src mean packet size (depends on accounting_mode).
dst2src_stddev_ps float Flow dst2src packet size sample standard deviation (depends on accounting_mode).
dst2src_max_ps int Flow dst2src maximum packet size (depends on accounting_mode).
bidirectional_min_piat_ms int Flow bidirectional minimum packet inter arrival time.
bidirectional_mean_piat_ms float Flow bidirectional mean packet inter arrival time.
bidirectional_stddev_piat_ms float Flow bidirectional packet inter arrival time sample standard deviation.
bidirectional_max_piat_ms int Flow bidirectional maximum packet inter arrival time.
src2dst_min_piat_ms int Flow src2dst minimum packet inter arrival time.
src2dst_mean_piat_ms float Flow src2dst mean packet inter arrival time.
src2dst_stddev_piat_ms float Flow src2dst packet inter arrival time sample standard deviation.
src2dst_max_piat_ms int Flow src2dst maximum packet inter arrival time.
dst2src_min_piat_ms int Flow dst2src minimum packet inter arrival time.
dst2src_mean_piat_ms float Flow dst2src mean packet inter arrival time.
dst2src_stddev_piat_ms float Flow dst2src packet inter arrival time sample standard deviation.
dst2src_max_piat_ms int Flow dst2src maximum packet inter arrival time.
bidirectional_syn_packets int Flow bidirectional syn packet accumulators.
bidirectional_cwr_packets int Flow bidirectional cwr packet accumulators.
bidirectional_ece_packets int Flow bidirectional ece packet accumulators.
bidirectional_urg_packets int Flow bidirectional urg packet accumulators.
bidirectional_ack_packets int Flow bidirectional ack packet accumulators.
bidirectional_psh_packets int Flow bidirectional psh packet accumulators.
bidirectional_rst_packets int Flow bidirectional rst packet accumulators.
bidirectional_fin_packets int Flow bidirectional fin packet accumulators.
src2dst_syn_packets int Flow src2dst syn packet accumulators.
src2dst_cwr_packets int Flow src2dst cwr packet accumulators.
src2dst_ece_packets int Flow src2dst ece packet accumulators.
src2dst_urg_packets int Flow src2dst urg packet accumulators.
src2dst_ack_packets int Flow src2dst ack packet accumulators.
src2dst_psh_packets int Flow src2dst psh packet accumulators.
src2dst_rst_packets int Flow src2dst rst packet accumulators.
src2dst_fin_packets int Flow src2dst fin packet accumulators.
dst2src_syn_packets int Flow dst2src syn packet accumulators.
dst2src_cwr_packets int Flow dst2src cwr packet accumulators.
dst2src_ece_packets int Flow dst2src ece packet accumulators.
dst2src_urg_packets int Flow dst2src urg packet accumulators.
dst2src_ack_packets int Flow dst2src ack packet accumulators.
dst2src_psh_packets int Flow dst2src psh packet accumulators.
dst2src_rst_packets int Flow dst2src rst packet accumulators.
dst2src_fin_packets int Flow dst2src fin packet accumulators.

Early Statistical Features (splt_analysis>0)

splt_direction list List of N (splt_analysis=N) first flow packet directions (0: src2dst, 1: dst2src, -1:no packet).
splt_ps list List of N (splt_analysis=N) first flow packet sizes (depends on accounting_mode, -1 when there is no packet).
splt_piat_ms list List of N (splt_analysis=N) first flow packet inter arrival times (always 0 for first packet, -1 when there is no packet).

System Visibility Features (system_visibility_mode=1)

process_name str Name of the host process that generated the flow.
process_pid int PID of the host process that generated the flow .


NFPlugin prototype

NFPlugin is the main class for extending NFStream. It can be used for the following use cases:

  • Changing the expiration logic of NFStream with custom expiration.
  • Create a set of new NFlow features.
  • Deploy Machine Learning Models.
  • Combination of the above possibilities.

In the following, we provide the prototype of NFPlugin class that a user defined plugin must inherit from.

class NFPlugin(object):
    """ NFPlugin class: Main entry point to extend NFStream """
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        NFPlugin Parameters:
        kwargs : user defined named arguments that will be stored as Plugin attributes
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

    def on_init(self, packet, flow):
        on_init(self, packet, flow): Method called at flow creation.
        You must initiate your udps values if you plan to compute ones.
        Example: -------------------------------------------------------
                 flow.udps.magic_message = "NO"
                 if packet.raw_size == 40:
                    flow.udps.packet_40_count = 1
                    flow.udps.packet_40_count = 0

    def on_update(self, packet, flow):
        on_update(self, packet, flow): Method called to update each flow 
                                       with its belonging packet.
        Example: -------------------------------------------------------
                 if packet.raw_size == 40:
                    flow.udps.packet_40_count += 1

    def on_expire(self, flow):
        on_expire(self, flow):      Method called at flow expiration.
        Example: -------------------------------------------------------
                 if flow.udps.packet_40_count >= 10:
                    flow.udps.magic_message = "YES"

    def cleanup(self):
        cleanup(self):               Method called for plugin cleanup.
        Example: -------------------------------------------------------
                 del self.large_dict_passed_as_plugin_attribute

NFPacket object

As you may noticed, NFPlugin on_init and on_update are called to initiate/update flows with its belonging set of packets. When calling these entry points NFStream already matched the packet to its flow and preprocessed its information. Packet information are exposed in an NFPacket (Network Flow Packet) which contains the following attributes:

time int Packet timestamp in milliseconds.
delta_time int Delta time in milliseconds with previous flow packet.
raw_size int Link layer packet size.
ip_size int IP packet size.
transport_size int Transport packet size.
payload_size int Packet payload size.
src_ip str Source IP address string representation.
src_mac str Source MAC address string representation.
src_oui str Source Organizationally Unique Identifier string representation.
dst_ip str Destination IP address string representation.
dst_mac str Destination MAC address string representation.
dst_oui str Destination Organizationally Unique Identifier string representation.
src_port int Transport layer source port.
dst_port int Transport layer destination port.
protocol int Transport layer protocol.
vlan_id int Virtual LAN identifier.
ip_version int IP version.
ip_packet bytes Raw content starting from IP Header.
direction int Packet direction: 0 for src_to_dst and 1 for dst_to_src.
syn bool TCP SYN Flag present.
cwr bool TCP CWR Flag present.
ece bool TCP ECE Flag present.
urg bool TCP URG Flag present.
ack bool TCP ACK Flag present.
psh bool TCP PSH Flag present.
rst bool TCP RST Flag present.
fin bool TCP FIN Flag present.
tunnel_id int Tunnel identifier (O: No Tunnel, 1: GTP, 2: CAPWAP, 3: TZSP).

NFPlugins Examples

Flow Slicer

In the following, we implement a flow slicer NFPlugin, which will force NFStream to expire each flow that reaches a packet count limit.

from nfstream import NFStreamer, NFPlugin

class FlowSlicer(NFPlugin):
    def on_init(self, packet, flow):
        if self.limit == 1:
           flow.expiration_id = -1 

    def on_update(self, packet, flow):
        if self.limit == flow.bidirectional_packets:
           flow.expiration_id = -1 # -1 value force expiration

streamer = NFStreamer(source="eth0", udps=FlowSlicer(limit=7))
# Iterate, convert it to pandas or csv.

SPLT reimplementation

In the following, we reimplement splt analysis that is provided within NFStream as an NFPlugin (for demo purpose).

from nfstream import NFStreamer, NFPlugin

class SPLT(NFPlugin):
    Reimplementation of SPLT native analysis as NFPlugin: For demo purposes.
    SPLT: Sequence of packet length and time analyzer.
    This plugin will take 2 arguments:
        - sequence_length: determines the maximum sequence length (number of packets to analyze)
        - accounting_mode: Set how packet size will be reported (0: raw_size,
                                                                 1: ip_size,
                                                                 2: transport_size,
                                                                 3: payload_size)
    Plugin will generate 3 new metrics as follows:
    - splt_directions: Array with direction of each packet (0: src_to_dst, 1:dst_to_src)
    - splt_ps: Array with packet size in bytes according to accounting_mode value.
    - splt_ipt: Array with inter packet arrival time in milliseconds.
    Note: Tail will be set with default value -1.
    def _get_packet_size(packet, accounting_mode):
        if accounting_mode == 0:
            return packet.raw_size
        elif accounting_mode == 1:
            return packet.ip_size
        elif accounting_mode == 2:
            return packet.transport_size
            return packet.payload_size

    def on_init(self, packet, flow):
        flow.udps.splt_direction = [-1] * self.sequence_length
        flow.udps.splt_direction[0] = 0  # First packet so  src->dst
        flow.udps.splt_ps = [-1] * self.sequence_length
        flow.udps.splt_ps[0] = self._get_packet_size(packet, self.accounting_mode)
        flow.udps.splt_piat_ms = [-1] * self.sequence_length
        flow.udps.splt_piat_ms[0] = packet.delta_time

    def on_update(self, packet, flow):
        if flow.bidirectional_packets <= self.sequence_length:
            packet_index = flow.bidirectional_packets - 1
            flow.udps.splt_direction[packet_index] = packet.direction
            flow.udps.splt_ps[packet_index] = self._get_packet_size(packet, self.accounting_mode)
            flow.udps.splt_piat_ms[packet_index] = packet.delta_time

streamer = NFStreamer(source="facebook.pcap", udps=SPLT(sequence_length=7, accouncting_mode=1))
for flow in streamer: # Work also with to_pandas, to_csv

Other examples could be found and imported in NFStream plugins submodule.

Machine Learning Model: Train and Deploy

In the the following, we demonstrate a simplistic machine learning approach training and deployment. We suppose that we want to run a classification of Social Network category flows based on bidirectional_packets and bidirectional_bytes as input features. For the sake of brevity, we decide to predict only at flow expiration stage.

Training the model
from nfstream import NFPlugin, NFStreamer
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

df = NFStreamer(source="training_traffic.pcap").to_pandas()
X = df[["bidirectional_packets", "bidirectional_bytes"]]
y = df["application_category_name"].apply(lambda x: 1 if 'SocialNetwork' in x else 0)
model = RandomForestClassifier()
model.fit(X, y)
ML powered streamer on live traffic
import numpy

class ModelPrediction(NFPlugin):
    def on_init(self, packet, flow):
        flow.udps.model_prediction = 0
    def on_expire(self, flow):
        # You can do the same in on_update entrypoint and force expiration with custom id. 
        to_predict = numpy.array([flow.bidirectional_packets,
        flow.udps.model_prediction = self.my_model.predict(to_predict)

ml_streamer = NFStreamer(source="eth0", udps=ModelPrediction(my_model=model))
for flow in ml_streamer: